Sunday, May 18, 2008

a child of God....

I am always amazed at the things Clayman says. A couple of weeks ago, his first pet fish died. It was several days before he missed him and then the dreaded question was thrown upon me and I had no way out of it. "Where's my fish, mommy?" I explained that the fish died....just didn't want to live anymore....because he was very sick....all the while being asked question after question. I explained Heaven as a big birthday party- people dancing and singing, no pain or crying (I wish I had already read a book on this part of parenting, but I think I did alright).

A week later, "Coach" is out and about with our two precious gems and a friend too. The little buddy to Clayman mentioned that his daddy was in Heaven. The response heard from the third row seat was, "That's like a birthday party- wow!" I'm glad my boy could be a such a good friend and make his pal happy about the wonderful place where his father is!!

Tonight, we had another opportunity to talk about God. Our conversation began when we were counting in Spanish and then we moved right on to the fact that God knows how many hairs are on his head (amazing how one thing leads to another when you are in deep conversation with a kid who's three!)
Clayman was ready to go get the phone and call God! He wanted to know the number of the hairs on his head. I tried to explain that God doesn't have a phone that he can hear us without one and that if he needed to know the answer he would have to ask in a prayer. Whew! I'm glad we got distracted somehow cause that was a hard one!

1 comment:

Leslie Harwell said...

Clayman is so smart! Keep of the good work mommy. Cute story about the phone and God. Love you Clay!