This afternoon, Busyboy and Busybaby (those are the newest blog names I've chosen for the kiddos, by the way) went to church with a dear friend while hubby and I went to see "Fireproof" at a local theatre. Our church sold tickets to one showing and it was sold out! We were running late (because what theatre experience is complete without popcorn and a super sized coke that costs you what dinner would at a sit down restaurant?) and ended up on the very front row (where I thought for a few minutes that I would surely vomit!! That pitch black room with little lights on each step never made me feel so drunk before!! What's happened in my old age of 29??) and I have to admit, I would do it all over again :)
The movie was super! So many times, I glanced over at hubby or he would sneak a peak my way as if to say, "that sounds familiar" or "I think I've said/done that before!" Chances are, you can relate to the couple as well as we did.
"The Love Dare" is an important part of the movie and I quietly wished that I could find a book just like it ....AND I DID!
Back up one minute- Even though we would be back home just a few minutes after my sweet friend needed to leave and head to her own church service, she insisted that she take the kids with her (she isn't a mommy yet so running late isn't such a norm for her) so that we could have another hour or so to ourselves. Well, let me just tell you: a book store is that last place you would find either of us if we were missing in action AND THAT'S EXACTLY WHERE WE WENT! I don't ever purchase those frequent buyer things they offer because I seriously might go to a bookstore once or twice a year!! I went this time with all intentions of finding a specific kid book while hubby had a few minutes to catch up on whatever he might find interesting in the sports section. On the same aisle where I was searching, a dark brown, small, paperback seemed to scream at me. Get ready!! You won't believe me but I swear it's the truth!! "The Love Dare" was the title on the cover!! So small and dark and hidden in all the others and I just stumbled upon it...just happened to see it there...NO WAY!! This is why I love the Lord my God- He's amazing and His light shines when all else fades :)
I would encourage everyone to see "Fireproof". Not married? Not a big deal. Go see if you can get it all figured out before you get into a relationship. Not interested in a relationship right now? That's okay too! You can still learn lessons about love! God loves us even when we try to run from HIM. And our love for others should be unconditional as well. ~Corinthians 13:7-8