Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Betty Crocker

"Great cook" is not on the list of descriptives for me. I am no where close to being a Betty Crocker. Sometimes I like to pretend I am though. Every now and then I get super organized (usually because the checkbook balance is low) and plan out meals and grocery lists and try new recipes. That keeps us out of the drive thru windows (which tend to take away from the funds and add to the bellies).
So, I thought I would share with you a new recipe for Easy Mini-Cheesecakes.

Here it goes: 12 vanilla wafers 1 tsp vanilla
2 8oz pkgs. cream cheese 2 eggs
1/2 cup sugar

Line muffin tins with foil liners (I used paper but surely the foil would be better. I really think this would work perfectly with the silicone muffin cups. Has anyone tried those yet?).
Place 1 vanilla wafer in each.
Mix cream cheese, vanilla, sugar, and eggs on medium speed until well blended.
Pour mixture over wafers, filling 3/4 full.
Bake at 325 degrees for 25 minutes.
Cool on wire rack and then chill.
Top with your favorite topping or enjoy it plain like we did!

okay. So that's not hard at all and the ingredients can easily be halved so that you don't eat too many :) Let me know if you try it out! Happy baking~ Betty C.

1 comment:

Julie said...

This sounds good. I will have to try it and let you know what we think. Thanks for sharing. :o)
