Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Why do they grow up so fast?

I told my kids that it was bath time. Even the Lord knows that kids shouldn't attend church that grubby! The boychild who's three responds, "Right after I shave." And up on the counter he goes....shaving cream swiped all over just like his daddy does it and then it's wiped away sweep by sweep with the Diego razor. Is this really happening? He seriously thinks that he should shave before each bath now!! (And he prefers a shower to a bath by the way.)


Leslie Harwell said...

That is so funny about him having to shave. They do grow up way to fast. By the way, the little mini cheesecakes were awesome - I will have to try that recipe. :)

David, Tiff, Sadie, & Everett said...

that is so funny, i had to call hubs & tell him! sadie prefers showers too, prolly cuz that's what she's always gotten. i remember you telling me right after i had her, that clay takes showers better than baths. so we gave it a shot & it worked marvelously. except now, she only bathes with me,lol.

Julie said...

That story made me laugh out loud. He cracks me up!! JB would have appreciated that story too. I can hear him giggling. :o)