Thursday, September 4, 2008


I do not consider myself intelligent when it comes to politics. Just ask my husband. He would be embarrassed to admit the level I am on considering that he teaches high school economics....and conversations he has had lately with his senior students concerning our next president and the economy are far above me!! With that said though, the following is an email I received and I did find it to be rather interesting:

You couldn't get a job at McDonalds and become district manager after 143 days of experience.
You couldn't become chief of surgery after 143 days of experience of being a surgeon.
You couldn't get a job as a teacher and be the superintendent after 143 days of experience.
You couldn't join the military and become a colonel after a 143 days of experience.
You couldn't get a job as a reporter and become the nightly news anchor after 143 days of experience.
From the time Barack Obama was sworn in as a United State Senator, to the time he announced he was forming a Presidential exploratory committee, he logged 143 days of experience in the Senate.
That's how many days the Senate was actually in session and working.
After 143 days of work experience, Obama believed he was ready to be Commander In Chief, Leader of the Free World, and fill the shoes of Abraham Lincoln, FDR, JFK and Ronald Reagan. 143 days?
We all have to start somewhere. The senate is a good start, but after 143 days, that's all it is - a start. AND, strangely, a large sector of the American public seems to feel comfortable with this and campaigning for him. We wouldn't accept this in our own line of work, yet some are OK with this for the President of the United States of America? Come on folks, we are not voting for the next American Idol.

I am not asking for any comments as to who you are voting for. I just wanted to be nice and share this bit of info for you to ponder. (And since this blog is somewhat of a journal for me, I like to record things such as this to look back on in days ahead. By the way, does anyone know if there is a way to print a blog?)
Voting is around the corner and we all need to pray that the right man is sworn in to lead our country. Here's hoping you have a happy day~


Julie said...

I know you didn't ask for this but Amen Sister!!

I'm a Mom!..? said...

I won't comment on the politics :)

Here's a link to some info on printing your blog - I've been looking into this too. I haven't checked but someone told me that snapfish can do something with it and it's about $50.

Here's the link

Scott, Michelle and Edie said...

Ashley....what a beatuiful blog you have!!!! So PRO-fessional looking! I love reading your thoughts - a 2nd AMEN Sister! I was just talking to Kelli this week on how to print a blog. So thanks to your friend for the info. I will be traveling a lot this month with work but I would love to get involved with your Monday Bible study if possible. Call me when you get a chance.